Home Diseases Typhoid


This page offers a wealth of information on the Typhoid disease.

  • Find generic information on Typhoid causes including where it’s commonly found, and its health danger rating.
  • Advice on symptoms of Typhoid, what the warning signs of Typhoid are, and how they should be examined.
  • Find tips on Typhoid prevention as well as Typhoid treatment whilst travelling. Access further information on how to prepare before you travel and how seriously to take this illness whilst making a trip.
  • Click here for information on the Typhoid Vaccine


What is it?
The Typhoid disease is an infection caused by the Salmonella typhi group of bacteria. There is also a related, less severe illness called paratyphoid, caused by Salmonella paratyphoid

Typhoid causes include the consumption of  food or drinking water that has been in contact with human faeces. About 100 cases a year are reported in the UK, mainly in travellers, and the numbers are in decline.

What does it do?
Symptoms of Typhoid begin as a stomach infection, but after 7 to 14 days it enters the circulation and begins to affect the whole body. There is a gradually increasing fever, as well as chills, muscle aches, nausea, and a loss of appetite leading to abdominal pain. Untreated, as many as 20% of those affected will die, although treatment with antibiotics reduces this to just 1%, even of severe cases
Paratyphoid has similar symptoms but is much milder and may be mistaken for gastro-enteritis.

Where is it ?
Areas with poor food hygiene pose the greatest risk, with the disease most common in Africa, South Asia, the Far East and South America. There are also some outbreaks in the former Soviet republics in Central Asia and even in Russia and the Ukraine.

Is there effective Typhoid treatment?
The Typhoid disease can be effectively treated with antibiotics although the range of treatments is narrowing as bacteria become resistant to common antibiotics.

Can it be prevented?
Good attention to food food hygiene is the best method of Typhoid prevention. Typhoid vaccination is very effective and requires only a single dose

Danger rating: 3/10